The Bicultural Advantage?

Who or what is a “bicultural” and how important is biculturalism for organizations? Carlos Ghosn, Chairman and CEO of Renault-Nissan, seems to be the quintessential prototype of a bicultural (or in his case, a multicultural). He was born in Brazil, moved to Lebanon when he was six with his Lebanese parents, went to university in […]

The Promises and Risks of Psychological Safety

Several years ago, I was working with the CEO of a Fortune 500 company to organize a task force of senior executives on a special short-term project. At the kick-off meeting, the CEO explained the purpose of the task force, why each of them was selected, and his expectations of the project. He was making […]

Management Lessons from The Fix

In his recent book “The Fix: How Nations Survive and Thrive in a World of Decline,” Foreign Affairs editor Jonathan Teppermann lays out ten seemingly intractable problems that the world faces today, such as inequality, poverty, immigration, and Islamic extremism. and then proceeds to detail solutions that some countries and cities have implemented to address […]