Is Tesla’s Problem Too Many Middle Managers?

As the Wall Street Journal and other news media reported recently, Tesla’s 46-year-old founder Elon Musk is waging a war on middle managers. In a memo to employees, he has vowed to flatten the management hierarchy in an effort to improve communication. As he put it in his memo, “… people are forced to talk […]

Putting Yourself In Someone Else’s Shoes (or Sandals)

We know from research that: there are two types of empathy – cognitive empathy and emotional or affective empathy, different parts of our brain are activated when we are using one versus the other, and each has a different impact on our behavior. For example, Gilin et al. conducted some studies to determine the specific […]

Taking Advantage of Those “Leadership Moments”

Taking Advantage of Those “Leadership Moments” After the Deepwater Horizon explosion that killed eleven men, BP CEO Tony Hayward infamously said, “I’d like my life back.” This was the beginning of the end for Mr. Hayward, who was fired from his position a couple of months later. We have all seen this before – how […]